physicist / timekeeper / long-distance running enthusiast


Dirk Piester joined the Time Dissemination Group of PTB in 2002 where he is involved in maintaining and development of PTB’s time services and international clock comparisons supporting the production of UTC. His research activities in time and frequency metrology include time scale realization, time comparison and synchronization with telecommunications and navigation satellites, and fiber optic communications.

Wie in Braunschweig die Uhrzeit gemacht wird

12. März 2024

Im Februar 2024 besuchte mich Martin Wolf von im Labor und führte mit mir ein Gespräch über Atomuhren, die Weltzeit und was sonst noch so interessant ist. Aus diesem Gespräch ist der verlinkte Podcast aus der Serie Besser Wissen entstanden. schreibt dazu: "Wir unterhalten uns im Podcast mit einem Zeitwächter an der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt."
Der Podcast

Uhren messen die Zeit

12 November 2020

On 12th November 2020, Dr. K. H. Rothenberger visited the PTB time laboratory to take photographs for the exhibition Uhren messen die Zeit (Clocks measure time) in the Ruhlaer Uhrenmuseum (Ruhla Clock Museum). In a series of black and white photographs, the artist shares his view on PTB's atomic clock facilities, experiments and the people in the laboratory. The museum is advertising, "Another highlight is the photo exhibition by established industrial photographer Prof. Karlheinz Rothenberger, who has atmospherically captured and portrayed the 'makers' of time." A selection of the works is also on display in the hallway of the time laboratory.
Ruhlaer Uhrenmuseum K. H. Rothenberger @Instagram

The old homepage

The former content (and style) of my website is still accessible through this link: old homepage. It keeps alive existing links to some of my publications, to help people finding my papers through search engines